Every now and then an idea will pop into my head that causes me to pause and think “that would be fun!” These ideas vary wildly, from a hovercraft dog-bed styled like Jabba the Hutt’s sail barge for my dachshund… to a monetary system based entirely around Lego bricks as currency. Sometimes these ideas happen, while other times they get …
Street Fighter II/Tie Fighter Mashup
As a kid I mashed buttons for hours on end playing Street Fighter II. No button mashing needed for the Tie Fighter, it’s only got one move, laser blast. Mediocre Photoshop skills by me.
Star Wars Lego!
Not much description needed. My passion for Lego and Star Wars neatly merge here into one cohesive geekfest. I’ve been obsessed with Lego since I was a little kid. I’ve been obsessed with Star Wars ever since I first saw the Millennium Falcon jump to hyperspace.